
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Green Thumb Sunday

The usual plant photos with a little something different!
a bit of bushland as seen from above the iron ridges around one side of town!
A bit of wild life...

And a bit of colour...Clivias have put on a fantastic show this year,maybe because I divided them!

Abit more colour,the roses,can never tire of looking these fellas as they were a sad bunch until I shifted them.The new location was suggested by my friend who is now my garden assistant too! I was originally going to put them in a more open position which would have allowed more plants to be planted but here they are thriving and really our work load is big enough!

And another bush scene of the last of Cyclone Isobel ,all dried up now but at least the trees have had a bath!


Lifecruiser said...

Ah, I love to see pictures from Australia!!! Wonderful different ones like yours :-)

Love the lizard too, not only the lovely flowers. And that red ground you have there make the nature so beautiful.


Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Wow! Those roses are gorgeous!
Is that a gecko?

Have a great Sunday! My GTS is up, too!

Tricia said...

Great photos this week!

Is that a young Goana? I'm not sure of the spelling but I know it's from the monitor lizard family. I'm a HUGE reptile person so as much as I love gardens and flowers I'd have to say that that's my favorite picture on your site today :) Thank you!

roybe said...

I just clicked on to enlarge the last bush scene. Nice shot it's so great to see some water in the landscape.