
Saturday, December 02, 2006


I have been too busy to add any photos for a while so am putting a little in today!

This is the famous and my favourite Robyn Gordon Grevillea that has just taken off this summer.It was small shrub last year that only grew to a flower then was pruned back but this year even when I take off the flowers it will still be 50cm taller than last year!

A veiw from a distance! I think I will leave some height but somewhere around this as it can cause alergic reactions with some asthmatics with some people so I intend keeping inside the rails! These particular shrubs I intend to plant in my developing front yard after Christmas as they are hardy,pretty and being fairily drought hardy so excellant for this area. These photos by the way are my school photos where I am Head gardener at moment as with all Government red tape I have to apply to keep the position and I find out if I remain as this week some time.

Had to put another one in,isn't the colour gorgeous!Perhaps there should be something to compare the size of flowers but they are are around the length of my hands for those who haven't seen them before!

Here is the rose bed that was in a previous entry,it has proved very successful and these with stood 42' heat and in that position was closer to 45' but i am happy to say they didn't droop too much considering that the roots were quite small and haven't had that much time to grow significantly.At the moment there are heaps of buds that will come out during the Christmas break and I will give them a light trim before schools back to see if I can coach some flowers for the office as there wille a lot of new staff this year coming!

Take a look at the St Barbaras daisy ,the Magic Grow Fert has been applied here too and its thriving!

This is the Angel Face rose and although its not a good one of this particular bush but you can see the flower colour,which I caused some confusion before as I only had a red rose flowering at the time and it seemed I was refering to it as Angel Face.I have been waiting for it to put another one out and as its been hot it was not as full as normal.

I intend to put some of my own garden in next week as I have startd on the front with new plants in a red desert and laid retic,the back yard is green but full of weeds as I have had no time to scratch this last month due to job commitment etc.See you all next Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lifecruiser said...

I've never seen that Grevillea before. I think it's so interesting to see what kind of plants you've got over there, since it's a difference from here.

Lovely post with all the information put into it :-)

But I envy you your weather.... WE have such a boring grey and rainy weather over here!

Mrs Lifecruiser

FruitfulSpirit said...

Your garden is just gorgeous! The flower is really pretty and if it is the size of your hand how stunning it must be in full bloom! Very nice!

Blossoming Heart Capture

Lynn said...

Beautiful late spring days and we are coming into winter here!